Honest Abraham Lincoln; A 19th Century Hero for a 21st Century Country
Lincoln is my hero and he and his approach to the truth can serve as a current reminder that what is missing with today’s politicians and leaders, is not the confusion between what is true and untrue, but the clarity with regard to their ethics and to their moral compass.
Telling Lies, Perpetuating Half-Truths; Does Truth Matter Anymore?
Data, facts, and statistics, are used regularly to advance ideas and positions. But often, half-truths and conclusions reached are propped up without exploration and distorted by subjective opinions. Somewhere in the “noise” is the truth. But does the truth matter anymore?
One Year from The Day I Was Laid Off
How One Unplanned Event Vigorously Disrupting Your Life Can Reap Positive Rewards
Your Emotional Intelligence Will Set You Apart
In today's modern world, employees need to be inclusive in their thinking and to display empathy and collaboration. Emotional intelligence is a skill the workforce is in need of...now more than ever. If you have those needed skills they are the very skills that differentiate you from the others.
Reflective Leadership: Unlocking the Real Leader in You
Often leadership and our own leadership style and brand is something we “fall into” versus a style and brand that is uniquely ours; a result of reflecting and choosing what works best for us. By incorporating the powerful work of investigating, we can harness what can be the most effective and truest version of who we want to be as leaders and what we want our leadership to look like to others.
Leadership Principles - Final Post
Breaking the old patterns of thinking and unlocking new ways of thinking and behaving is available to the leader who adopts the growth paradigm. Admitting knowledge gaps, acknowledging leader opportunities, and asking for help are critical first steps to adopting this mindset.
Leadership Principles - Part 3
The leader’s ability to communicate their vision in a compelling way creates the organization’s story. When leaders engage team members by helping them to see themselves in that story, organizations succeed.
Leadership Principles - Part 2
Leaders must bring even the least amount of empathy they can muster to be about the hearts of their followers. When you lead with the heart of your followers in mind, leadership takes on a whole new dimension.
Leadership Principles
Recently I spoke to entrepreneurs, prepared and eager to hire employee #1. Here are 3 leadership principles any leader can consider as they grow in effectiveness on their leadership journey.
You Are What You Think
All day long we process our thoughts, have ideas, and make decisions. When reflection is added to the process, real transformation occurs. With change, your life’s direction can become richer, deeper and more satisfying.
Casual Fireside Coffee Chat at the 757 Collab
I am excited for Wednesday, October 25 at 10am for a casual fireside coffee chat at the 757 Start-up Studios in Norfolk, VA.
Thinking Outside the Box: Embracing a Growth Mindset Demonstrated Through the Actions of a Flower Girl
Getting results when using typical methods and resources have been exhausted, requires a different mindset and ways of thinking. It is in these times that leaders must lean into their ignorance and embrace the growth mindset. When they do, new ways of thinking and leading and successfully getting results becomes as easy as a 3-year-old flower girl recently demonstrated.
Simple Interactions and the Human Connection
One of the greatest tools leaders have at their disposal is the power to connect with those they lead. It is simple but requires leaders to lose their ego and make others more important than themselves.
Learning and Growing in a World of Difference
Differences in opinion, thought, and outcomes are a routine part of the workplace. But acknowledging those differences as a point of understanding and learning from each other can elevate the conversation to productive and worthwhile outcomes.
Close Up Radio Spotlights Tim Melone
Catch Tim on Close Up Radio with veteran award-winning broadcast TV and radio host and media personality, Jim Masters.
Tension in Place of Balance; A More Hopeful and Useful Paradigm
Leaders everywhere commonly talk about the need for balance. Specifically, in my work with leaders across all countries and industries, one goal is routinely discussed; how to balance life and work…
Bring Your Values to Life and Work: Living and Working Authentically
One key belief of mine, something I have learned these past few years, is that true self-awareness is directly related to our lack of judging…
Helping Leaders Reach for the Ceiling: When “Somewhat Satisfied” Becomes “Very Satisfied”
Helping leaders reach for the very satisfied parts of life allows them to experience what it means to fully thrive.
Leaders as Coach, Cheerleader, and Mentor; Growing Your Capacity to Develop Others
Coaches appreciate, they guide, and they are interested in learning how to help team members realize personal dreams and goals.
What’s Your Inspiration?
What is your inspiration? Not just for today, but for every day? How do you take these simple and profound truths from an idea on a platform to a life-altering, long-term behavioral change? Inspiration is an influence that moves the intellect and emotion which then drives behavior.